A "Proper" Introduction
As you can see, I've changed the way the blog looks. From the background to the font, the layout to the description. For some time I've been someone I didn't want to be, someone who wasn't me per say. I guess you can say that I had a persona. A persona who called themselves after a type of food. Who talked and wrote things that I'd never be brave enough to say nor write, it was as if that persona were something that I could use to hide myself from everyone. To protect myself from everyone. And at first it seemed REALLY cool and all, I got to write how I really felt about some things while sort of wearing a disguise. But as things progressed it became sort of worrisome. I think that it became so worrisome that I began to feel paranoid. And being paranoid is not a good thing, it doesn't make you feel good at all. Since I was feeling so paranoid I I stopped writing and posting about things altogether. It was just like I was just done...COMP...