Realisation of the aftermath of Death to a body

I've realised that when I die, I'd like to be cremated. After seeing how people's bodies slowly disintegrate into bones makes me feel and think that it wouldn't be worth having a funeral and having me put into a coffin to be put underground where maggots and bugs could eat the decaying parts of me. I can partly imagine how my body would look like. How it gets all yellow and slimy and how it turns black. I wouldn't want to put my poor soulless body through that...even though I shouldn't care about what happens to my body after I die. I just tend to think about the people I'll be leaving behind and or how they'll deal with it. What if my body needs to be exhumed? That'll sicken and freak anybody out, to see a rotting, smelly, decaying body in a coffin...I won't let anyone deal with that. That's why I want to be cremated.   


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