2019 and still Blogging?

Happy New year to me and to everybody else! I'm about 16 days late, but, better late than never 😂 Can you believe that it's 2019? I can, because I'm 19 😆 but seriously though. It's almost been 5 years since I created this blog 😯 and things have changed since the beginning. From music recommendations to the use of emojis 😁 looking back on this blog, it really shows how much I have grown emotionally, mentally, and as a writer and blogger. I guess my New Year's resolution should've been to update this blog more often. Since I didn't really have any resolutions, I'll just make one right now and it still counts since we're not even into the 20th day of the first month. So this definitely counts; I'll definitely keep updating this blog  😌 I'll try harder to update this sometime before the end of the year and the beginning of a new one 😅 I'm not going to give up on this blog, I most certainly won't 😌😃💁


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