Partly doesn't mean Fully

What am I going on about. "A job well done is a job fully done" This is what I get for not doing what I was supposed to do. I get more mental torment because of what I didn't do. "What is your advisor?" Don't I mean "Who is your advisor?" It was such a stupid question because I already knew the answer. I already knew who was your advisor. I "people watch" remember? I'm just like Richard when it comes to this type of stuff. "But I'm too late again. I know but I was scared." When it comes to dealing with crushes that quote describes me...But whatever. Like I said, Here comes the mental torment, then comes the pain, the depression. When I'm depressed again I'll also say that "I've always been a depressive someone." Oh great. A call telling me on what I should do. I better do this job Fully. I'm just tired you know. Tired of trying. Tired of wanting things that'll never be. Now I'm using improper grammar and punctuation....When will these feelings cease to exist...When will I get...I just wish that I wasn't so scared of doing what I wish to do.


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