As promised ^-^

Like I said earlier this day...I will put out a link that's for a petition to the Canadian Government by Doaa to let her mom attend her wedding that's supposed to take place on August 1st. If you're wondering how I even found out about this then I'll explain...It all started when I was on YouTube looking at clips from the original Teen Titans (I really miss the original series, the series that's ongoing now is alright...but I would watch the original series any day) reminiscing the good times. When I read a comment that had a link to a petition wanting for a 6th season of the original only had 17 supporters. I became the 18th (18-My mom's favourite number) After signing the petition they had other petitions on the bottom. That's when I noticed that there's worldwide petitions on that site. I explored the site and stuff and found Doaa's petition...After reading her petition I felt angry and sad. Angry that the Canadian Government would refuse to have her mom see her daughter be wedded off, and sad that she had to start a petition online...What is this world coming to, it's crazy sad that they would have no compassion no feelings for Doaa and her mom. Weddings are special. They show and prove to the world that you and your lover love each other so much that you both wanna stay committed to each other for the rest of your lives. It's special cause you have your friends and family there to witness and celebrate that wondrous event...YOUR SUPPOSED TO. Unfortunately for Doaa  she's having a hard time in just having her mom be there for that one day. JUST FOR ONE DAY. I bet that weddings and the planning for it is stressful what makes it more stressful and hectic is when you're battling the government just to have that one close to perfect day. (Nothing's perfect) So if you wanna help Doaa and her mom celebrate that WONDROUS day to be, click on the link and sign that petition...I did


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