Here's an update about me...The school year is almost over and done with. (YAY!) It's been a really stressful school year, the school that I go to makes you do things like presentations and they make you work with people a lot (In my opinion, they make you work with your peers too much) I hate doing both of those things so it was a real challenge for me. I probably read lesser books than last year (Due to the fact that the books that I read this year were about 400 pages long) but that's ok because reading is supposed to be fun and not a competition. I write in a notebook whenever, either because I'm bored or because I'm just "inspired". I told off my terrible advisory about the way that I felt about them (Even though I'm probably going to have SOME of them in my NEW advisory next year) It doesn't really matter about the way they felt because in my mind I've been feeling the ways they probably felt that day the whole two years I was stuck with them. I've found ways to deal with the loss of my L.A Taye (By painting and drawing) I've found new music, got 19 followers on Spotify...I've been told by many people that I write well even been told once that I should probably try to write a book (I probably won't ever do that since I don't have anything to write about)...and yeah that's been my school year so far. I'll probably update during summer vacation...since I'm traveling this summer, so it must be fun...I doubt it though (It's probably going to be extremely HOT)
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